Contact Elizabeth Bent

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I’m a career molecular microbial ecologist with 30 years of research experience, as well as an accomplished technical and creative writer. My rates are reasonable and are adjusted according to the requirements of each project.

Subscribe to my fiction, recipes, reviews, and science news blog, MadGirlScientist Fiction.

Write to me at the contact form, below!

If you are writing about an editing project, please be as detailed and punctual in communication as you can be. I have been ghosted a number of times by apparent professionals, so I am wary of requests that ask me for a lot of work up front but don’t provide actual money.

If you would like to hire me for bespoke technical or creative writing, be sure to describe the project in detail in your initial email.

If you would like me to assist you with a science or engineering communications project (taking scientific or engineering knowledge and making it understandable to the public), please be sure to give me as much information as you can about your goals and subject matter, and if funding sources are needed.